Export value in the years
2015-2016 (in billions of Euros)

2015 6,5 mld euro
2016 6,7 mld euro

Export value per
capita in the Lodz Voivodship (in thousands of Euros)

2015 2,6 tys. euro
2016 2,7 tys. euro

Average for all provinces in 2016 3.9 thousand euro

Number of exporting companies in the Lodz Voivodship

2015 2657
2016 2713

Lodz Voivodship’s share in the generation of national export
in the years 2015-2016 (%)

Export dynamics in the Lodz Voivodship

Relation between export value
and GDP in the region

Export share in the industry’s sold production

Average for all the voivodships 2016 4%

Export direction

NationPercentage value
Czech Republic4,04%

Export divided into sectors

SectorPercentage Value
Non-specialized wholesale4,36%
Manufacture of products made of plastic3,25%
Manufacture of hosiery2,94%
Manufacture of furniture2,75%
Wholesale of textile products2,38%